I often have clients who come in for their Design Appointment and when I ask what size picture they were thinking of putting on their wall they say,
Oh, I’m not sure, maybe 8x10 or 11x14?
I’ve found that the reasoning behind this is one of two things:
They haven’t seen what an 8x10 really looks like on their wall.
They are afraid of going B-I-G.
So let’s take a closer look at these two reasons…
The 8X10 Misconception
When you hold an 8x10 in your hands, especially when it is matted and framed, it can seem quite large, but, when you place that same framed print on a wall, it often gets lost in the vast wall space and it can look quite out of place.
In the professional photography world, any print that is 8x10 or smaller is considered a “gift print”. Why? Because it is the perfect size for gifting. Ideal for placing on a table, bookshelf or desk. Perfect for friends and family to display with other gift prints.
But honestly, it can be difficult to visualize exactly how that framed print is going to look on the wall, so for most people, an 8x10 is the “safe-bet”….but truth be told, it usually isn’t the best bet.
Keep reading…
When is it appropriate to frame gift-sized prints? When it is part of an entire collection or collage, being displayed on a very small wall, or will be placed on a shelf to be displayed among other items.
Fear? Fear of what? Multiple things really - the top two being lack of confidence and commitment.
Lack of Confidence. In our world of DIY and order everything on the internet, it’s truly difficult to have confidence in ordering something that will be the centerpiece in a room in your home. The decision to purchase a large art piece is as important & challenging as it is to purchase a sofa or dining room table. Throw in the multitude of design options (size, canvas, framed, matted, metal, acrylic, etc) things can quickly get overwhelming. And let’s face it, when people get overwhelmed, they tend to move on to something not so overwhelming. That’s human nature!
Commitment. Let’s move on to the big one; commitment. One of the most common questions I hear from clients is, “What do I do with it when I want to replace it?” While I get it, let’s think about this one. First, if you are printing a photograph LARGE, you are selecting an image that you absolutely adore and cherish. You aren’t selecting the snapshot you took at the zoo last week to be blown up 40” wide. So chances are, if this image made such an emotional impact on you, that feeling isn’t going to change any time soon. But, with redecoration and as years pass, it’s understandable that you might want to update your focus piece. The simple answer, move it to another room where it can still be enjoyed. If not, gift it to a family member (Grandma or the kids when they move out and have their own home). It will still be appreciated!
So how do we get over the misconception & fear? You might want to consider enlisting the help of a professional. An expert can not only guide you in your decision, but SHOW you what your room will look like BEFORE you make the purchase. That might make things a whole lot easier, wouldn’t it? You can hire a designer to come in and help, or when it’s time to update your family portraits, you can find a photographer who specializes in wall design too! (Pssst….that’s what we do at Fotoplicity!)
But oh….the investment! Large art (especially quality art) & design services is definitely not cheap. Yup - I hear you. It’s not.
But here’s where I’m going to get real folks…. a gorgeous heirloom art piece is going to run you about the same price (or even less) as that fancy mobile phone or laptop you have….the one that is going to be irrelevant in a couple of years!
And here’s the thing - that gorgeous heirloom art piece? It will NEVER be irrelevant. Whether you own it, your children own it, or your grandchildren own it. It will hold more emotional value than all of the phones and computers you will own in your lifetime - combined.
Until you have printed a meaningful image LARGE and placed it in a prominent space in your home you may not truly understand what I am talking about. Experiencing an image that you love in large print is difficult to explain. The impact is undeniable. Have you ever watched a performer (singer, dancer, etc) get so lost in their performance that you it brings a lump to your throat or tears to your eyes? That is the closest I can come to explaining what a large art piece can do. Printing B-I-G allows you to experience deep emotion every time you glance at it. It enables you to find new nuances and detail every time you view it. It provides endless personal joy all while acting as a design feature within your home. It’s that piece that makes visitors gasp when they enter a room…
So next time you make the investment in professional photography, or you have a photograph that makes a huge emotional impact on you, I encourage you to make the investment in a large piece of MEANINGFUL wall art. It is mood-altering.